DOCOVA SystemCare™

What is SystemCare?

SystemCare is a support solution designed to ensure that you have access to the most qualified resources to maintain and support your DOCOVA environment and applications.

SystemCare is designed to provide you with priority support services for your existing DOCOVA environment. It can be used for any work related to DOCOVA like designing new applications, enhancing existing applications or changing your infrastructure.

SystemCare benefits.

Priority Response: If you subscribe to SystemCare, you will receive priority support from DOCOVA resources. You will have access to a minimum of two DLI resources via voice, email or instant messaging, to ensure that your issues are responded to as soon as possible. (typically 2 hours or less)

Knowledgeable Resources and Platform Expertise: Whether it’s a maintenance issue or application difficulty, SystemCare gives you peace of mind that you have secured knowledgeable DOCOVA platform resources who can resolve problems quickly and efficiently.

Fixed Budget: SystemCare provides you with the ability to budget for maintenance and support over a specified period, and obtain a better rate for services.

Who can benefit from SystemCare?

All companies, large or small, can benefit from SystemCare due to its flexibility. From a “per incident” model (time and material) to a scheduled availability (remote and/or on-site) model, we help support your I.T. team and your custom DOCOVA applications at the level you need.

What does it cost?

To participate in SystemCare, there is a monthly fee. You can purchase one or several months worth of SystemCare at a time. This will vary depending on the complexity of your environment and your existing I.T. resources.


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