Success Stories

Read some of the success stories organizations have had with DOCOVA

Customer Success Story

A Notes/Domino migration success story. After years of trying to retire their Notes/Domino servers, DOCOVA made it possible.

0 Divisions without DOCOVA
Customer: Global Automotive Parts Manufacturer
Challenge:  The company was mandated to migrate their Quality Management business-critical applications off an older legacy platform. However, after a prolonged multi-year endeavor involving numerous IT resources they still had not succeeded. The migration was plagued by difficulties and delays due to challenges maintaining security, reproducing business logic and complex design elements.

6 Divisions with DOCOVA
DOCOVA Solution:
When DOCOVA was engaged, a remarkable transformation occurred. 6 divisions (and counting) have migrated their QM solutions to DOCOVA as well as implemented new custom changes to suit how they work.

Customer Success Story

A Notes/Domino migration success story. Fast, low-code in-house development, DOCOVA lifted and shifted, then modernized their custom in-house invoice processing solution in one day.

Outdated without DOCOVA
Customer:Multi-national Manufacturer
Challenge:  This company, a manufacturer in the automotive, defence, shipbuilding, heavy equipment and aerospace industries needed to modernize their invoice processing solution and integrate it with their legacy back-end system to match their incoming invoices to shipping, supply and inventory information.

8 Hours with DOCOVA
DOCOVA Solution:
Upon meeting with the company a getting their requirements DOCOVA put together a working solution ready for User Acceptance Testing within 8 hours and leveraging MS Power Automate as part of the solution.

Customer Success Story

A Notes/Domino migration success story. After 2 years of trying to re-engineer a custom Notes applications, they turned to DOCOVA, and it was done in 15 days.

2 years without DOCOVA
Customer: Global Industrial Tech Leader
Challenge:  The company needed to migrate a complex business-critical Notes application. However, after a prolonged two-year endeavor involving numerous IT resources they still didn’t succeed. The migration was plagued by difficulties and delays due to challenges maintaining security, reproducing business logic and complex design elements.

15 days with DOCOVA
DOCOVA Solution:
When DOCOVA was engaged, a remarkable transformation occurred. The migration was completed within a mere 15 days. Only one dedicated DOCOVA specialist was involved.

More Success Stories coming soon! We have lots of them, come back to see more by the end of July, beginning of August 2024!


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